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CEO & Founder of Educavo

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Artificial Intelligence

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Civil Engineering

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Computer Engineering

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General Education

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Admission Open

Registration is Now Open for Fall 2020 Continuing Studies Courses

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What Students Saying

A good training centre , such training programmes should be conducted more frequently.

Dr. Mamata Pradhan

Kolkata., India

A good IVF and Embryology Training centre in india , all beginners should attend the classes and am sure this will help me to start a successful career in infertility.

Dr. Latika Mishra

Bhubaneswar, India

Both the trainers are very grateful to you ,enjoyed all the ivf-embryology related live demonstrations like OPU and ivf insemination , ICSI.Practical sessions were very enjoyable.

Dr. Serojoom

Dhaka, Bangladesh

The training as well as trainers & training materials were beyond our expectations.Thanks

Dr. Narsin

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Wonderful place n most dedicated doctor couple ….I am glad that I hv undergone my ivf training under them…

Dr. Aman Kaur

Punjab, India

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